How to Make Money on uTest in 2023: A Guide Step by Step

In this article, learn how to make money on uTest in 2023, it’s article highlights key steps and strategies that can help testers maximize their earning potential on the platform.

From signing up and completing uTest Academy courses to applying for projects, participating in test cycles, and submitting high-quality bug reports, each aspect is discussed in detail.

uTest is a crowdsourced testing platform that connects companies and organizations with a community of software testers from around the world. It is a platform where individuals with testing skills and expertise can participate in various testing projects for companies across different industries.

Founded in 2007, uTest (now known as Applause) has grown to become one of the leading platforms for crowdsourced testing. It offers companies a cost-effective way to access a diverse pool of testers who can provide valuable feedback on their software, websites, mobile apps, and other digital products.

Testador de Software, Ilustração vetor;

On uTest, companies post testing projects and specify the requirements and objectives of the testing. Testers from the uTest community apply for these projects, and if selected, they are provided with access to the software or application being tested along with test cases and instructions.

Testers then execute the tests, report bugs, and provide feedback to help improve the quality and usability of the product. uTest provides a range of testing services, including functional testing, usability testing, compatibility testing, security testing, localization testing, and more.

The platform also offers training resources through the uTest Academy to help testers enhance their skills and stay up to date with the latest testing methodologies. By leveraging the power of crowdsourcing, uTest enables companies to access a global network of testers, ensuring a wide range of perspectives and expertise.

Testers, on the other hand, have the opportunity to earn money by participating in testing projects and gaining experience in diverse testing environments. uTest is a platform that connects companies in need of software testing with a community of skilled testers, facilitating the testing process and improving the overall quality of digital products.

To make money on uTest, a crowdsourced testing platform, you can follow these steps:

1. Sign up on uTest to Make Money

Visit the uTest website ( and create an account. Fill out the necessary information and complete the registration process.

To sign up on uTest, follow these steps:

Visit the uTest website

Go to using your web browser.

Click on “Get Started”

Look for a prominent button or link on the uTest homepage that says “Get Started” or a similar phrase. Click on it to begin the registration process.

Fill out the registration form

You will be directed to a registration form where you need to provide your information. The form may ask for details such as your name, email address, country, and password. Fill in all the required fields accurately.

Agree to the terms and conditions

Read the terms and conditions or user agreement provided by uTest. If you agree to them, check the box or click on the checkbox indicating your acceptance.

Complete the registration

Once you have filled out the form and agreed to the terms, click on the “Submit” or “Sign Up” button to complete the registration process.

Verify your email

After submitting the registration form, uTest may send a verification email to the email address you provided during registration. Open your email inbox, find the email from uTest, and follow the instructions to verify your email address.

Set up your profile

Once your email is verified, you will be able to access your uTest account. Complete your profile by providing relevant information about your skills, experience, and areas of expertise. The more detailed and accurate your profile, the better chances you have of being selected for testing projects.

Explore available projects

After setting up your profile, you can start browsing the available testing projects on uTest. Look for projects that match your skills and interests, and apply for them by following the instructions provided.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully sign up on uTest and start exploring testing opportunities on the platform.

2. Complete your profile

Once registered, complete your profile by providing accurate information about your skills, experience, and areas of expertise. Make sure to highlight your testing experience, software knowledge, and any relevant certifications.

3. Take the uTest Academy to Make even more Money

uTest offers free training through their uTest Academy. These courses provide valuable information about software testing methodologies and help you enhance your testing skills. Completing the courses can improve your chances of receiving testing opportunities.

The uTest Academy is an educational resource provided by uTest to help testers enhance their skills and knowledge in software testing. It offers a variety of courses and learning materials to help testers improve their understanding of testing methodologies, tools, and industry best practices.

The uTest Academy courses are designed to cater to both beginner and experienced testers, covering a wide range of topics related to software testing. Some of the areas covered by the uTest Academy include:

Fundamentals of software testing:

These courses provide an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of software testing. They cover topics such as test planning, test case design, bug reporting, and test execution.

Mobile testing:

With the increasing prevalence of mobile apps, the uTest Academy offers courses focused on mobile testing. These courses provide insights into mobile testing strategies, device fragmentation, mobile app usability, and compatibility testing for different platforms.

Security testing:

Security is a critical aspect of software development, and the uTest Academy offers courses that focus on security testing techniques. Testers can learn about identifying vulnerabilities, conducting penetration testing, and ensuring the security of web applications and software systems.

Test automation:

Automation testing has gained significant importance in the software testing industry. The uTest Academy provides courses on automation testing frameworks, tools, and scripting languages to help testers learn how to automate repetitive testing tasks and increase efficiency.

Exploratory testing:

Exploratory testing involves simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution. The uTest Academy offers courses that teach testers how to effectively perform exploratory testing, improve their intuition, and provide valuable feedback without relying on predefined test cases.

Usability testing:

Usability is a key aspect of user satisfaction. The uTest Academy provides courses that focus on usability testing methodologies, user experience (UX) design principles, and evaluating the user-friendliness of software and websites.

These courses are typically self-paced and accessible online. They may consist of video tutorials, articles, quizzes, and practical exercises to help testers apply their knowledge.

By completing these courses, testers can enhance their understanding of testing concepts, stay updated with industry trends, and improve their chances of receiving testing opportunities on the uTest platform.

The uTest Academy not only benefits testers by providing valuable educational resources but also benefits companies and clients who rely on the uTest platform to access skilled and knowledgeable testers.

Testers who have completed uTest Academy courses demonstrate their commitment to professional development and are often preferred by project managers and clients.

Overall, the uTest Academy is a valuable resource that helps testers improve their skills, stay competitive in the industry, and increase their earning potential on the uTest platform.

4. Apply for projects to Start Make Money on uTest

uTest regularly posts testing projects from various companies. Browse through the available projects and apply for the ones that match your skills and interests. The projects usually have specific requirements, such as device types, operating systems, or software knowledge.

Browse available projects

Once you have logged into your uTest account, navigate to the projects section. Here, you will find a list of available projects that match your skills and qualifications. Take your time to review project descriptions, requirements, and any specific criteria set by the project owners.

Read project details

Click on a project to access its details. Pay attention to the project scope, testing objectives, target devices or platforms, and any specific instructions provided by the project owner. Understand the project’s expectations and requirements thoroughly.

Check your eligibility

Assess if you meet the project requirements. Some projects may have specific prerequisites, such as possessing certain devices, operating systems, or skills. Ensure that you meet these criteria before applying for the project.

Apply for the project

If you feel you are a good fit for the project and meet the requirements, click on the “Apply” or “Join” button associated with the project. This will submit your application for consideration.

Craft a compelling application

In some cases, you may be required to provide additional information or answer specific questions as part of your application. Take the time to provide thoughtful and accurate responses that highlight your relevant experience, skills, and expertise. Tailor your application to showcase why you are the ideal candidate for the project.

Submit your application

Once you have completed the necessary information, review your application for any errors or omissions. Ensure that you have accurately conveyed your qualifications and motivations for the project. When satisfied, submit your application.

Wait for project selection

After submitting your application, the project owner will review it along with other applicants. The selection process can vary, and the decision may depend on factors such as your profile, experience, availability, and the project’s specific needs. Be patient during this stage.

Receive project invitation

If you are selected for a project, you will receive an invitation to participate via email or through the uTest platform. The invitation will provide details about the project timeline, test scope, compensation, and any additional instructions. Follow the instructions promptly to confirm your participation.

The competition for projects can be high, especially for popular projects or those with specific requirements. It’s essential to regularly check for new project opportunities and submit applications that demonstrate your skills, experience, and enthusiasm.

Building a strong profile, gaining certifications, and maintaining a good reputation on uTest can also increase your chances of being selected for projects.

5. Participate in test cycles

If your application for a project is approved, you will be invited to participate in a test cycle. During the test cycle, you will be provided with test cases, instructions, and access to the software or application being tested. Execute the test cases, report bugs, and provide feedback as per the project requirements.

Test Cycle Invitation

Once you have been selected for a project, you will receive a test cycle invitation either via email or through the uTest platform. The invitation will provide detailed information about the project, including the test objectives, test duration, test scope, and any specific instructions or requirements.

Test Case Execution

After accepting the test cycle invitation, you will gain access to the software, application, or website being tested. Test cases will be provided, outlining specific steps and scenarios to execute.

Follow the test cases carefully, ensuring that you thoroughly explore the features and functionalities of the product.

Bug Reporting

During the test cycle, your primary responsibility is to identify and report any bugs, issues, or defects you encounter while executing the test cases.

When you come across a bug, thoroughly document the steps to reproduce it, provide clear and concise descriptions, and include any relevant attachments, such as screenshots or videos, to support your findings.

Bug Severity and Priority

While reporting bugs, you may be asked to assign a severity and priority level to each bug based on predefined guidelines. Severity refers to the impact of the bug on the product’s functionality, while priority indicates the urgency of fixing the bug.

Adhering to these guidelines helps project managers and developers prioritize and address the reported issues effectively.

Communication and Collaboration

Test cycles often involve collaboration with project managers, fellow testers, and sometimes developers. Maintain clear and effective communication throughout the test cycle, addressing any questions or concerns promptly.

Engaging in discussions and sharing insights can contribute to a more comprehensive testing effort.

Test Cycle Completion

Once you have executed the test cases, reported bugs, and fulfilled the test cycle requirements, mark the test cycle as complete. Ensure that you have met all the project’s deadlines and guidelines for submitting your work.

Feedback and Test Cycle Wrap-up

Project managers may request additional feedback or insights regarding your experience with the product and the testing process. Take the opportunity to provide constructive feedback, highlighting any areas that require improvement or potential enhancements.

Compensation and Rewards

Testers on uTest are compensated for their participation in test cycles based on various factors such as the complexity of the project, the number of bugs reported, and the quality of feedback provided.

Compensation details are typically communicated in the project invitation or communicated separately by the project manager.

6. Submit high-quality bug reports

When you encounter bugs during testing, make sure to report them clearly and provide all the necessary details. High-quality bug reports are more likely to be accepted, which increases your reputation and chances of getting selected for future projects.

Submitting high-quality bug reports is crucial for effective communication between testers and project stakeholders. Here are some key aspects to consider when submitting bug reports:


Clearly state the steps to reproduce the bug. Provide specific instructions, including the exact actions taken, input values, and any prerequisites or conditions required to encounter the bug. This allows developers to recreate the issue consistently, facilitating faster debugging and resolution.

Clear and Concise Description

Describe the bug accurately and concisely. Use clear language and avoid ambiguous or subjective terms. Include relevant details such as error messages, unexpected behavior, or any visible artifacts. The description should provide a clear understanding of the issue without unnecessary information.

Attach Supporting Materials

Whenever possible, attach supporting materials such as screenshots, videos, or logs that demonstrate the bug. Visual evidence can significantly enhance the understanding of the issue, making it easier for developers to identify the root cause and validate the bug.

Provide Context

Include information about the environment in which the bug was encountered, such as the device, operating system, browser version, or any other relevant configurations. This context helps developers narrow down potential causes and ensures that the bug is reproducible in the specific environment.

Bug Classification

Assign an appropriate bug category or classification based on predefined guidelines provided by the project. Categorizing bugs helps prioritize and address them effectively. Common bug categories include functionality, usability, performance, security, and localization issues.

Bug Severity and Priority

Assess the severity and priority of the bug according to the defined guidelines. Severity reflects the impact of the bug on the functionality or user experience, while priority indicates the urgency of fixing the bug. Assigning accurate severity and priority levels helps project stakeholders prioritize their efforts and allocate resources efficiently.

Clear Steps to Reproduce

Break down the steps to reproduce the bug in a sequential and logical manner. Make sure the steps are concise, easy to follow, and leave no room for ambiguity. This helps developers precisely replicate the issue, saving time and effort during the debugging process.

Additional Notes

Include any additional notes, observations, or suggestions that can provide valuable context or insights. These notes can help project stakeholders understand the bug better and potentially provide ideas for addressing the issue.

Review and Proofread

Before submitting the bug report, review it for clarity, correctness, and completeness. Ensure that all relevant information is included, and the report is free from any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written bug report enhances professionalism and demonstrates attention to detail.

Submitting high-quality bug reports improves the efficiency of the debugging and resolution process, enabling developers to address the issues more effectively. It also helps project stakeholders understand the impact and scope of the bug, leading to better decision-making and prioritization.

By consistently delivering well-documented bug reports, you establish yourself as a reliable and valuable tester on the uTest platform.

7. Build a reputation

Consistently delivering high-quality work, providing detailed bug reports, and meeting project deadlines will help you build a good reputation on uTest. Positive feedback from project managers and clients can enhance your profile and increase your opportunities for higher-paying projects.

8. Gain certifications

uTest offers certifications in various testing areas, such as mobile testing, security testing, and automation testing. Obtaining these certifications can make you stand out and increase your earning potential.

Gaining certifications in software testing can enhance your credibility, demonstrate your expertise, and increase your opportunities for testing projects on uTest. Here’s some information on the benefits and ways to gain certifications:

Credibility and Recognition

Certifications provide a formal recognition of your skills and knowledge in software testing. They act as a validation of your expertise and can boost your credibility as a professional tester.

Clients and project managers on uTest often prioritize certified testers, considering them as more reliable and competent in delivering high-quality testing services.

Competitive Advantage

In a competitive testing landscape, certifications can give you an edge over other testers. They showcase your commitment to professional development and continuous learning.

Having certifications can differentiate you from the competition and increase your chances of being selected for testing projects, particularly those that require specialized skills or expertise.

Expanded Skillset

Pursuing certifications allows you to expand your skillset and gain in-depth knowledge of various testing methodologies, tools, and techniques. Certification programs often cover a wide range of topics, including test planning, test execution, test automation, security testing, mobile testing, and more.

By acquiring these skills, you become equipped to handle diverse testing challenges and take on more complex projects.

Industry Recognition

Certain certifications are well-known and widely recognized within the software testing industry. Achieving such certifications can open doors to networking opportunities, professional communities, and career advancement. It helps you establish connections with industry experts, stay up to date with emerging trends, and access valuable resources and insights.

Certification Providers

There are several reputable organizations that offer software testing certifications. Some of the well-known certification providers include the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), Certified Software Tester (CSTE), Certified Agile Tester (CAT), and Certified Software Test Professional (CSTP).

These organizations offer a structured curriculum, study materials, and exams to evaluate your knowledge and grant certifications upon successful completion.

Exam Preparation

To earn a certification, you typically need to pass an exam. The exams may consist of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, or practical assignments, depending on the certification program.

It is advisable to thoroughly study the certification syllabus, review relevant study materials, and practice sample questions to prepare effectively. Some certification providers may offer official study guides or training courses to aid in exam preparation.

Continuous Learning

Certifications often require you to maintain your knowledge and skills through continuing education. This encourages you to stay updated with the latest industry trends, tools, and best practices.

By engaging in continuous learning, you can continuously improve your testing abilities and adapt to the evolving needs of the software testing field.

9. Network with the uTest community

Engage with other testers and uTest staff through the uTest forums, social media groups, and events. Networking can provide valuable insights, tips, and opportunities for collaboration.

10. Stay active and responsive

Regularly check your uTest account for new projects and communications. Promptly respond to invitations and messages to maintain good communication with project managers and increase your chances of being selected for testing opportunities.

Remember, the amount of money you can earn on uTest depends on the number of projects you complete and the complexity of the testing involved. As you gain experience and build your reputation, you may have access to higherpaying projects.


In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of how to make money on uTest in 2023. It highlights key steps and strategies that can help testers maximize their earning potential on the platform.

From signing up and completing uTest Academy courses to applying for projects, participating in test cycles, and submitting high-quality bug reports, each aspect is discussed in detail.

Additionally, the importance of gaining certifications and building a strong reputation is emphasized.

By following the suggested guidelines and staying updated with industry trends, testers can increase their chances of securing testing opportunities, improving their skills, and ultimately earning money on uTest.

This article serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to leverage their testing expertise and thrive in the uTest community in the year 2023.

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